Our company obtained the ISO 17025:2017 laboratory accreditation certificate from the Ministry of Planning/Iraqi Accreditation Authority (IQAS) on 18/1/2023. This achievement was made possible thanks to the efforts of the qualification team from the Ministry of Oil, in cooperation with the supporting teams from the Quality Management and Institutional Development Division and the Laboratories and Quality Control Department in our company. Our company is currently working on implementing a laboratory quality system with the aim of enhancing its ability to provide accurate, guaranteed, and internationally recognized test results.

The gaps are currently being addressed to qualify the company to obtain the ISO 45001:2018 Health and Safety Management System and the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System certificates. This is done by contracting with qualified companies and in coordination with the Health, Safety and Environment Authority and the Quality Management and Institutional Development Division, with the aim of providing a safe and healthy work environment, ensuring the health and safety of employees on an ongoing basis, in addition to eliminating or reducing environmental risks through the effective use of resources and sustainability.
South Refineries Company seeks in the future to obtain the ISO 50001 Energy Management Specification certificate, through the sub-team of the National Initiative to Support Energy and Reduce Emissions. This team works to implement the ministerial directives related to the implementation of the energy management system, and issues quarterly reports that clarify the achievements made in this field.
The company also seeks to obtain the ISO 17020 inspection and testing specification, and the company has involved employees from the relevant formations in awareness courses with the aim of preparing them to participate in implementing the specification in the future. According to the directives of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to implement the European Excellence Model (EFQM European Foundation for Quality Management) in all ministries, including the Ministry of Oil, in order to reach institutions that provide outstanding and sustainable levels of performance that meet the needs of those concerned, sub-teams were formed in our company in coordination with the Institutional Performance Evaluation Unit in the Quality Management and Institutional Development Division and in cooperation with sub-teams in the Ministry of Oil to implement the European Excellence Model.